Monday, May 4, 2015

Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 is a book where people in the future are controlled by censorship. Firefighters burn books to keep the population dumb and from realizing what is going on in day to day life. They even lie and say Benjamin Franklin was the first firefighter. Which if they could get books they would know its complete crap. This sounds eerily similar to some times in history governments, or political groups have censored people's freedom.

Latimer was a bishop in England in the 15 hundreds that was burned at the stake. Latimer Decided to leave his position in result to the King's refusal to allow the Protestant reforms he wanted to make. This is a perfect example the control and censorship used back in the day to control people. Would you not listen if the consequence was to be burned alive? This has occurred through history. Nazi Germany in the 1930's is notorious for the censorship that occurred during their 12 year oppressive war on freedom. In Fahrenheit 451, much of the oppression is actually taken from observations of the Nazis. The German people weren’t allowed to get news from around the world or get foreign books. The same was for the rest of the world they would not allow the propaganda being fed to the German people get out easily.
 Censorship is still alive and well today with excellent examples such as North Korea. But it also occurred in the most unlikely of places now days. Hollywood, it made a Blacklist of celebrities and directors, personal life and history, and if they had any communications with people the frowned upon. If someone got accused of any of this they would never work in Hollywood during that period. This is an atrocity because of the violations of the first amendment, of our constitution, and is amazing how people allowed it. That was a time where education was not very good. That is the problem, educate yourself and question everything.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Banned books are the result of sheltered parents getting their perfect bubble burst. They believe that the world is happy, butter flies. They also believe if you shelter the children they won’t know how to behave badly. Which obviously isn’t true because how would people have done it in the first pace all that time ago? People tend not to think thing through. They give meaningless words like sh*t power over them by getting angry and worked up by it. There is a section of the population that doesn’t mind using language like that. The people who use that language are often what these band books are about. They tell the story of the rebel or a social issue. That’s why they’re so controversial. I remember reading catcher in the rye and asking why it is banned.  The reason I got was for the language and talk of sex throughout. I didn’t think this was a very good reason. My reasoning it that, those things are everywhere in our society already. You can’t turn on the television now days without seeing it. Every time it comes on there is at least one “inappropriate” beer commercial featuring some girl’s cleavage as the star to promote their beer. Then when you’re driving down to Cleveland to see Disney on ice, you get to see the scantily clad women advertisements for the Diamond Club.

   Crutcher's Deadline is another well challenged book. It’s because there are references to rape heavily. I’m not saying that these things aren’t bad. I’m saying that if we talk about these things maybe the people they happen too won’t feel as bad about it. Not only can talking about it potentially make someone feel better but it can also make them feel worse. That is why we need too desensitize people to words. We must start with band literature and work our way from there. Banned books are a good start for an uncensored world.

Banned books are the result of sheltered parents getting their perfect bubble burst. They believe that the world is happy, butter flies. They also believe if you shelter the children they won’t know how to behave badly. Which obviously isn’t true because how would people have done it in the first pace all that time ago? People tend not to think thing through. They give meaningless words like sh*t power over them by getting angry and worked up by it. There is a section of the population that doesn’t mind using language like that. The people who use that language are often what these band books are about. They tell the story of the rebel or a social issue. That’s why they’re so controversial. I remember reading catcher in the rye and asking why it is banned.  The reason I got was for the language and talk of sex throughout. I didn’t think this was a very good reason. My reasoning it that, those things are everywhere in our society already. You can’t turn on the television now days without seeing it. Every time it comes on there is at least one “inappropriate” beer commercial featuring some girl’s cleavage as the star to promote their beer. Then when you’re driving down to Cleveland to see Disney on ice, you get to see the scantily clad women advertisements for the Diamond Club.

   Crutcher's Deadline is another well challenged book. It’s because there are references to rape heavily. I’m not saying that these things aren’t bad. I’m saying that if we talk about these things maybe the people they happen too won’t feel as bad about it. Not only can talking about it potentially make someone feel better but it can also make them feel worse. That is why we need too desensitize people to words. We must start with band literature and work our way from there. Banned books are a good start for an uncensored world.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

The reason for reading band books is life relation. People want a book to relate too and if they use swear words like shit and have nasty or terrible vivid descriptions or horrible situations, which happened to either the author or victim. People want to know they aren't the only ones going through a struggle. That's why bullies bring people down with them. It is good to have these books around though because they remind everyone that no matter how bad of a day you are having there is always someone having a worse one. It shows them how others deal with these situations too. Some look to these books for guidance of some kind or maybe to just escape what they’re going through. humans are wired to communicate better if people come from the same level of "class" and come from the same struggles as them because it is easier to know that their talking about. It can be observed every year during the Emmys. Every year the film that is the most controversial or has a subject that is touchy in today society always wins. Let’s look at the book 50 shades of grey even though it didn't win an Emmy. It is heavily controversial because of is obviously explicit content. But because it was so controversial people saw it and are becoming desensitized to s and m type things. This is good because they shouldn’t have to feel ashamed. These types of things can be helpful because people understand the subject better. People fear what they don't understand.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

One year to live would be a difficult amount of time to get everything I would want to do done. Before I go into what fun I would have I want to be serious for a second. I would tell my family so they can enjoy it too. They would also be able to handle their schedules accordingly so they can either come or wish me to hell. Who truly knows the truth about what others think. If they wanted to come they would realize how little time I had so they could soak up every moment if they wanted. Peoples attention to detail and formation of memory is stronger if they are aware of the situation. Moving on to the fun part of the death waiting. First I would drop out of school because I'm not going to need a high school diploma when I'm dead. After that id stop off at the gun store and pick out my favorite models to go to the range. While the car was being loaded id call gander mountain and have them get all the exploding targets they had on hand ready for purchase. Id pick those up while my brother is loading all the mags in the back as to not waist time. We'd go to the range to blow off everything for the rest of the day because that is a fantastic way to kill one of your last days. Later I would return home, tired and with a purple shoulder, and call a travel assistant. I would describe what I would want then fall asleep to nurse the bruise down. I would sleep in till noon as I would not have school anymore and go to the airport. The reason is I refuse to die somewhere cold. I hate the cold the last thing I would do is be somewhere were it was cold enough to have snow on the ground and even more if it has three feet of it and its negative 7 outside almost every morning. The rest I would wing it because its a pretty long list of what I would want to do that grows all the time so it probable wouldn't get done but I sure would try.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Through the tunnel is a grate example of a short story with heavy symbolism. In the story you can tell that Jerry is staring to be at that independent age. In some cultures there are rights of passages you have to complete to be a man. in other cultures like in ours, our youth might feel compelled to prove themselves even though no one is forcing the right of passage. This comes from the human nature to be excepted/ recognized by others. People in high school deal with people they hate to feel like their popular all the time. I think that's what Jerry was trying to do here with the tunnel.

In the begging you see that he wants to go away from his mom which is one of the first few stages of growing up. He decides to go to the rocky beach. From there he goes swimming were he watches him mom for a bit. Later he hears some other older boys playing. he decides to check it out. He finds they are diving under a rock through what appears to be tunnel. He try's to go under but can only find the opening of the tunnel and he can't hold his breath very long. He ends up training himself and making it through the tunnel after grate pain and danger. Mean while his mom has no idea the pain he is putting himself through. Even after he almost died he still doesn't want her to know what he this is weakness. I think the theme is he wants to prove himself a man but he feels he cant show weakness at the same time, but they go hand in hand because even when he made it through the tunnel he was still banged up.
The Shawshank Redemption is the quintessential prison film will have to agree. When you think prison you think of Shawshank usually. The reason is mostly because the movie doesn't sugar coat things like most movie do, like during that rape scene. Yes that's not good to talk about but its so messed up it stays with you. Before I start saying how I think it is, or isn't a good redemption film I think Forrest Gump would have given us some more ammo for a 500 word blog. I will be going about this In a different perspective then you probable have seen before. In the movie The Shawshank Redemption Andy is wrongfully imprisoned by the state of Maine for supposedly murdering his wife and her lover. I will not be mainly focusing on Andy though because he shouldn't have been there in the first place so he cannot be redeemed if he had not wronged anyone. I will instead be focusing on Tommy the guy who was stealing televisions because he actually did something wrong to get in there.

While Tommy the TV thief is in there he acts all tough and what not because its prison its what you do. Andy at first doesn't seem to like him because of his self centered attitude. Later Andy agrees to him that he will help him finish high school after Tommy says he's stupid. Tommy has a lot of trouble with this. He Has trouble because he has been in and out of prison facility's most of his life. While Andy's helping him, Tommy thinks he's wont be able to do it and throws the test away. Andy takes his test from the trash and turns it in for him anyway. Tommy ends up passing and getting his high school diploma. After he realizes that Andy did that I think Tommy goes through a change. I think Tommy needed to know that someone cared for him. Teens and children and sometimes adults have social or mental disorders because of things like that. I'm not saying Tommy had a mental disorder. I just think he needed that to start caring about himself and to care about Andy getting out.

 It turns out Tommy was actually in a prison cell with the guy who actually killed Andy's wife and lover. He realizes this after a while and decides to inform Andy about it because its the right thing to do. Tommy tells him and Andy gets thrown in solitary Because the warden wants him to be his money slave. While Andy's in solitary the warden calls Tommy down for a chat at night outside. I new something was up and I'm sure he did too when warden called him outside. For Tommy to stand up to the warden even though he knows the warden is as crooked as a G.W. Bush took a lot of selflessness. I believe at that moment is when Tommy has his redemption moment, also a bullet in the chest.